
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Love My Laptop

Let's see. I'm a blogger. I blog. Yet, I rarely blog about my work. So, here I am....on a blog that will be solely dedicated to working from home with five kids under six, finding work, underbidding (whoops), the occasional cranky client (names changed, of course) and all other things work related.

Today, as I unplugged my computer (mid photo upload) to take it back to the kids' room where I would continue to work while they fell asleep, I thought, "How would I get anything done from a desk top?!" I know, these are the profound thoughts that I think.

The girls had a friend over this afternoon. Actually, I agreed to watch her because her mom works at a restaurant and didn't have any childcare lined up for spring break. The playdough station was kickin' in the kitchen, the classical music/coloring station was rockin' in the living room, the leggos were flying, Candyland was ready to be played....but our guest wanted to me.

"Honey, I know it's hard to understand. But when I sit down at that computer, I'm going 'to work'." Of course, sometimes I'm just dorking around on Facebook.

And then my youngest daughter got it, "This whole house is your office?!"

Ouch. That's the main thing I try to avoid as a working mom. I do most of my work in the early morning or late night (and during our afternoon movie hour). But freelancing can be difficult to never want to turn down a great job while it's there!

Speaking of which. I'd better get back to it;)

twice written